Upgraded plastic ban to help plastics reduction campaign gain bigger momentum?

Source: China Environment News, Author: Cheng Weijia  2020/4/9


When shopping at the supermarket, I tend to get multiple plastic bags to put fruit and vegetables inside. Finishing eating the takeaway meal, I always throw away the single-use dinnerware together with other garbage. When on a business trip, I’m not carrying my toothbrush. Anyway, the hotel provides single-use plastic products. However, in line with the NDRC/MEE opinion on enhancing plastic waste management published in early 2020, the above scenarios in life will have to fade out.

According to the NDRC/MEE opinion and the series policy measures announced, the plastics restriction policy announced 12 years ago is going to be enhanced. Previously, plastics restrict used to rely on cost measures and control efforts focusing on the user end. Following the NDRC/MEE opinion, management covers the whole lifecycle, putting higher demands on manufacturers and regulators. Therefore, plastics restriction concerns not only the consumption side. For the upgraded version of plastics restriction to completely transform the plastic waste management landscape, the key, I think, lies with the coordinated effort for plastic reduction.

Plastic manufacturers must be fully prepared to build new business models. When carrying out manufacturing activities, the manufacturer must operate in line with the law, fulfilling volume and emission reduction requirements. Meanwhile, the manufacturer must innovate and develop renewable, degradable plastics and alternatives in an effort to enhance green supply. When it comes to recycling and disposal, the effort shall be combined with waste categorization so as to turn plastic waste into resources and energy sources. New industry sectors shall be developed for plastic waste recycling, categorization, and transportation, which in turn may create new jobs. Following the NDRC/MEE opinion, companies may have to walk out of their comfort zone and embrace the new blue sea of green transformation and sustainable business.

In emerging sectors such as logistics and food delivery, plastic packaging represents a key concern. Refined management is needed for such sectors. Companies and online platforms shall actively transform their operating thoughts by enhancing management of businesses that provide deliver services using the online platforms. The businesses shall be the first responsible person to protect the environment and work to achieve green transformation. In certain coffee shops, paper straws and non-plastic cup covers are provided. In certain food delivery service providers, the consumer gets to choose whether to have dinnerware provided and is encouraged to use his or her own dinnerware. In certain malls, supermarkets, e-commerce platforms, and logistics companies, recycled boxes are being used. All these efforts represent meaningful explorations.

The regulators must meet up with the new requirements of industry regulation as they enforce the plastic restrictions. They must make good plans and improve the implementation mechanisms. All regions must reasonably develop plastic waste management targets, including short-term, medium, and long-term ones. They must also refine detailed regulations and industry standards in line with new national measures. By setting up access mechanisms and forbidding any non-compliant plastics products from entering the market, the regulators shall establish certification and labeling regimes governing degradable and recyclable plastics. They should also maintain information disclosure, conduct communication and education work, and safeguard the consumer’s right of knowledge and choice as the general public is encouraged to participate in governance and feedback.

Develop reward mechanisms and define policy support in an effort to promote green R&D. Companies and research institutions are encouraged to work together for innovation and technological upgrade. Through tax, subsidy, and market-based price mechanisms, the cost for companies to provide green products shall be lowered , while the access for non-green products to the market shall become harder. Now some companies are using collateral loans, extended payment, returns and other financial method to increase the use of recycled boxes. Some companies are leveraging internet+ technologies to set up a deposit and returns regimes. Theses explorations can be supported and provide options of promotion.

Carry out strict oversight and enforcement. Industry and commerce regulators shall carry out daily management and oversight work so as to enforce the rules. Offenders shall be listed in the social credit system. Ecology and environment enforcement agencies must enhance their oversight and monitoring in an effort to rectify the plastics industry. Party and government authorities in all levels of local government shall enhance leadership and organizational work so as to support the plastic waste management campaigns.    

Educate the consumers on green consumption, and encourage consumers to put pressure on the plastics industry for upgrade and transformation. The consumers represent a wider audience, and authorities have very loose oversight on them. However, consumers are a key force for implementation. People’s changing behaviors have huge impact on industry transformation. In Li Ziqi’s short videos, the hostess doesn’t use a lot of plastic products, but she offers great dishes and leads a poetic life. Her lifestyle is wildly popular online. People are embracing her as a role model for returning to the very essence of life. Therefore, to throw away the troubles of life and return to the green way of life is a huge trend.    

People should say goodbye to their familiar plastic products. Join the green trend and carry cloth bags when you go shopping. Use your own dinnerware that can be used multiple times. Carry your own toothpaste when travelling. Reduce the use of single-use plastic products. Choose plastic products that are recyclable, degradable and green. Join the waste categorization trend. Extend the lifecycle of plastics so that it can be of use for a longer time before becoming waste. All these efforts help.

There is already a clear timeline for plastic waste management. For the upgraded version of plastics restrictions to make an impact, government, business, industry associations, and the general public must work together to address the white pollution and embrace the green world.